Halloween Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
Halloween marks the unofficial start of the holiday season, so it’s a “spooktacular” idea to incorporate...
What are Amazon Penalties and How Do I Avoid Them?
"It is said that despite its many glaring (and occasionally fatal) inaccuracies, the Hitchhiker's Guide to...
Promotion Guide for Online Businesses
You have a lot of choices when it comes to online promotions for your business, but some of them could be...
Fulfillment by Amazon in a Nutshell
Chances are pretty good that if you’re reading this, you are interested in selling a product in the online...
Consequences of Poor Customer Service
Nobody likes to hear about negative consequences, but learning about these undesirable outcomes in the area...
How to Keep Your Financial Information Safe While Shopping Online
Many online retailers have achieved success by selling on Amazon, but there are also those who struggle...
Managing Customer Returns
Returns are inevitable for retail businesses, whether they be brick and mortar, online, or both. Your job...
How Customer Reviews Will Benefit Your Business
Allowing customers to write reviews about your business can seem a little daunting. What if someone misuses...
Leverage these Online Shopping Perks
More people than ever before are doing their shopping on the internet, and there are plenty of benefits to...
Pros and Cons of Requiring Customers to Create an Account
There is some debate in the online business world about whether or not to require a login for purchase. On...
Does Your Online Business Need a Chatbot?
Does Your Online Business Need a Chatbot? A Brief History You might not believe it, but Chatbots...
Capturing Your Target Audience
One of the most crucial aspects of running an online business is knowing your target market. It won’t cut...
What are the basics to understand about Amazon’s algorithms?
These are the key metrics Amazon uses for their algorithm: Be familiar with all the Amazon reseller...
Should I Opt for a Professional or Individual Amazon Seller Account?
If you’ve looked into setting up an Amazon seller account, you have probably run into the question of which...