Spreading Knowledge And Addressing Challenges
LOVELAND, CO – If you’ve made it to the final article in the second Prosper newsletter, I commend your persistence and hope to reward it in the future. This new endeavor is intended to share the news, but I’m hoping to go beyond that and provide actual analysis that you can use in your business.
In the second issue, for example, we are continuing the Prepare For Prime Day theme with advice and insight from Brian Martinez, vice president of Client Services at Las Vegas-based Channel Key. Last week, we heard from Shelby Rothenberg, manager of Customer Success for Illinois-based Kapoq.
As a trade journalist in any industry, networking takes time. I read about what’s going on in the industry, but those pesky business challenges are not as obvious. You know what headaches you’re encountering, and I’m hoping you will share a few with me. We can share it with the community and hopefully bring some solutions to shared problems.
If you think there is a topic that I should be covering in the new Prosper newsletter, I encourage you to contact me at (970) 227-1002 or send an e-mail to [email protected] If you are looking to spread some advice and wish to write an editorial, that’s also a possibility.
As the news and/or blog section Fills up at Prosper.com, I’m hoping it can be a knowledge bank of sorts to address a lot of business concerns. We will interview industry experts and it just may help you decide which entities to call for help. Whether you end up calling anyone, the goal is to share ideas and provide a bit of inspiration.
Greg Thompson is the editor of the new (twice-monthly) Prosper newsletter. He can be reached at [email protected] and (970) 227-1002.
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