Loss of Income Insurance Policy Now Available for Amazon Account Suspensions

The insurance world is buzzing with the latest product on the market – Suspension Insurance for  Amazon sellers.  It is no wonder given the reputation of complacency that the insurance industry has rightfully gained that the news of this new loss of income policy has recently been featured in Bloomberg News, The Seattle Times, and Insurance Business Magazine and.

It is this complacency that left a gaping void in the marketplace for more solutions for Ecommerce sellers.  When an insurance agency from western Kentucky started asking the right questions none other than Lloyd’s of London started to take notice.

How did this all begin? You have heard that necessity is the mother of all invention, and that could not be truer in this situation. Lori Jurans is an e-commerce seller based in Kentucky, and she is the owner of two successful online brands.  After listing on Amazon in 2012 Lori was thrilled to see their sales begin to grow rapidly.  With that growth quickly came the necessity to leverage more and create larger purchase orders.  As their purchase orders and overhead expenses began to rise, so did Lori’s anxiety with the realization that a large portion of their business was being built on a platform they did not own.

Her fear is not unlike the fears we hear from so many e-commerce sellers.  What would happen if their Amazon account was suspended today?  How long can a company withstand that loss of income?   And, where would they begin to try and get their account reinstated?

It is this fear that caused her to go to her General Liability Insurance agent, Nicole Welden, and ask if her current general liability insurance would cover them if their Amazon Seller Account were suspended.  Nicole and her partner, Matt Lovell researched the policy and came back with the conclusion that it would not and, more over there was nothing on the market that would cover an e-commerce seller in that scenario.

That is essentially the moment that WELL Insurance Agency was born.   WELL Insurance partnered with InsuraTech, a large General Agency that works directly with Lloyds of London.  They believed if any company would consider underwriting this, it was Lloyds of London.  Lloyd’s of London agreed to do the underwriting, and that is when the quest began to build a policy that would satisfy this great void in the market.

As of March 1, 2017 the Amazon Suspension Insurance policy is now available to purchase directly through WELL Insurance Agency.  This policy will not replace your General Liability insurance which Amazon requires every seller to carry. This policy is specifically designed to cover a seller in the instance of an account suspension and works with all e-commerce platforms.


The coverage is underwritten by Lloyds of London, the oldest insurer in the world, insuring risk since 1688.  This is truly a one of a kind policy, something the insurance industry has never seen before.  The policy is designed for businesses based in the U.S.A. only at this time.  The policy period is for one year; however, the policy will only pay up to a total of 90 days due to a covered suspension during this policy period.  They offer coverage of up to $1,000,000, which will be paid at a per day limit depending on the level of coverage.   Even if you have been suspended before you may still be eligible for this policy. Eligibility and pricing are determined based on information provided during the application process.


  • They issued your policy with a $1,000,000 coverage limit
  • Your per day coverage limit is $11,111
  • Your franchise deductible is 120 hours
  • Your account is suspended for 15 days

Since you have qualified for a franchise deducible, the policy will pay you for your actual loss incurred or up to the maximum per day limit of $11,111 for the entire 15-day suspension period for a total payment up to $166,665.  To determine the daily limit, you will need to determine what your net income (net profit or loss before income taxes) that would have been earned or incurred and what your continually normal operating expenses incurred are including payroll.

This policy intends to help Amazon Sellers regain some control and power over their livelihood.  Successful sellers have worked hard to build their businesses, and most sellers are trying their best to follow Amazon’s Terms of Service. However, mistakes and misunderstandings can happen. This policy will help sellers sleep better at night knowing that they have a policy that will back them up in case a suspension happens.

If you have any questions regarding the Seller Suspension Policy or a General Liability policy,  contact WELL Insurance at www.well-insurance.com  or on Facebook  facebook.com/wellinsurance.