Heard At Prosper Show 2024 – Part 2

March 14, 2024

LAS VEGAS – Prosper Show 2024 wrapped up last week and the reviews and comments are pouring in. The show had plenty of excitement and the numbers back it up; This was the biggest Prosper Show ever. Here’s part two of Heard At Prosper, a sampling of exhibitors and attendees who shared their thoughts during an eventful three days. Click Here for Part One in case you missed it.

“It’s been a good show. We feel like the sellers are more mature as to where they are in their e-commerce journey. We’re seeing the same people plus some new people, and even the newcomers are further along.” — Ben Rey, chief revenue officer, Teikametrics

“We were standing in line at Prosper with a guy who does $100 million in aggregate sales. You don’t meet someone like that on a cold call or on the street. If we can turn one or two contacts into customers, this trip pays for itself. Day one at Prosper Show was really promising. Through the show app we’ve been able to schedule a few dozen meetings, so that has worked well.” — Austin Trunnell, Ampd, Seattle

“Prosper Show has been awesome. It’s been great to meet with existing sellers. I’m a little tired because I haven’t been able to get away from the booth. It’s been crazy. It’s been a great show.” — John Vispisiano, Amazon Freight

“Prosper has been a great show. A lot of people are here for similar purposes and we’re getting exposure. Other events don’t really line up with our mission, but here at Prosper we’ve networked with a lot of people and it’s been very positive. People are looking to partner with us and people are on the same page.”
Amanda Karneth and Jeff Lavin, buffa BRAND

“Prosper Show has been amazing. People know us now and it’s been a great experience. We seen nothing but good coming from this. We’re seeing a lot of attendees who haven’t been here before—about 50/50 between new people and previous attendees. The people here are serious and eager to learn. It’s a very good audience.” — Joe Hawchar-Melhem and Stephanie Baker, Carbon6, Toronto

“This is our first time as an exhibitor. Prosper has been very productive—a lot more people with great interest. Engagement and energy has been high.” — Luis Miguel, Urtasker, New York

“Prosper Show has been awesome and we have connected with a lot of people.” — Nicholas Christie, sipp, Seattle

“Prosper Show has been great. The sellers are more advanced and savvy. Attendees are filled with good questions and we are getting high quality leads. People are looking for ways to manage funds after selling.” — Ani Okkasian, Amazon Payments, Amazon Seller Wallet

“This is our first Prosper Show back as an exhibitor. We took a five-year break and it’s been a pretty successful show with many prospects. There’s been good quality content for sessions and the foot traffic here is engaged and serious.” — Gokhan Erkavun, Store Automator, New Jersey

“We’ve been super busy with a lot of traffic. The leads compared to last year have been higher quality with more experienced sellers.” — Mary Walls, Share It Studio, Miami

“Today I had three conversations with ideal customer profiles. We’ve seen a wide mix of experienced sellers and those just testing the waters.” — Mayan

“We’ve had fantastic conversations with people who fall under our ideal customer profiles. It speaks to the relevance of the audience. We’ve had great leads, great conversations, and we’re learning a lot.” — Taite Blais, Helium 10, a Pacvue Company

“Prosper Show has been great and I’ve learned a lot about expansion into other market places beyond Amazon for my heat transfer vinyl business. The Optimizing Walmart presentation was really good and we’ve seen a healthy mix of sessions.” — Attendee Joe Hart, Vanguard Conversion

“The Women’s Meetup was helpful and that should be expanded. The best thing about Prosper is developing relationships with people in the fight.” — Attendee Krisan Patterson, Barnwood USA, Oklahoma City

“Prosper Show 2024 has been as good or even better than last year. I have learned things that I can use when I get back home. For example, a presentation about video ads convinced me that I need to use those better than I have in the past. I need to get good video content.” — Attendee David Hewlett, SmartLabels, northern California

“Prosper has been pretty good overall. It’s good to connect and hear about what people are looking for and to hear about their struggles. It’s a really great event for sellers to fill the gaps in their operations. There are more sellers here than there were two years ago, which is great. The show has also moved beyond Amazon to include Walmart, Tik Tok Shop, and more.” — Kyle Abrahamzon and Tia Michela, Ad Advance, Duluth, Minnesota

“The show has been awesome. The quality of leads was awesome and we’ve had a decent number of leads with good foot traffic. We will be coming back next year.” — Joshua Topham, Seller Labs, Georgia

“Last year’s Prosper changed our business in extremely beneficial ways. The consensus I’m hearing is that it’s been an excellent show—better than last year and I got 20 leads per week from the people I met here last year. Prosper is about the partnerships. We really enjoyed the SkyFall event, by the way. People are looking at Canada with its similar culture.” — Lucas Simon, KB Financial Solutions, Squamish, B.C.

“We’ve had good traffic and a decent number of qualified leads and conversations. Las Vegas is great.” — Sreenath Redd, IntentWise, San Diego

“We are first-time Prosper exhibitors and it’s been extremely well worth our time. We must have talked with at least a hundred solid leads who want to do business in the Canadian market. We’ll be back in Las Vegas at the convention center for next year’s show. It’s been fantastic.” — Callum Turbrett and Jennifer McCafferty, North American Brands, London, Ontario

“We’ve done four trade shows over the last six months and Prosper has been excellent. This year’s show had a really good turnout and everyone was in our target market. It’s by far a whole other level in quality of leads. The attendees are awesome and they are 100% relevant. So many of our current partners are here and we’ve had great engagement.” — Breanna Haskell, John Ward, and Mark Fleming, Walmart Fulfillment Services

“Prosper attracts the right demographic and cultivates a premium seller experience.” — Ali Babul, Trellis Canada

“Foot traffic and flow were awesome at Prosper. There are serious and knowledgeable attendees here, and that’s the best thing about this show. We exhibited at one show where it was free to exhibit, but the attendees were terrible.” — Chad Hut, RevStep, Salt Lake, Utah

“We were surpised at the quality and size of the sellers at Prosper. There are sellers doing $100K per month. The show has far exceeded our expectations and it’s been really successful.” — Ryan Dietrich, Xmars, Los Angeles