There are many ways to improve your selling techniques, but they won’t do much for you if you’re trying to move uninspiring merchandise. Your first consideration for online selling should be the popularity of your products.

Don’t you wish you had thought of those little silicone bracelets that took the U.S. market by storm back in 2010? Or last year’s fidget spinners? How do you predict retail hits? Here are some ideas for getting ahead of upcoming trends and knowing what will sell best online.

Browse online marketplaces. Check out top sellers on eBay, Alibaba, and Amazon.
If you want to pay for your intelligence, look for paid resources that help you conduct research and forecast product trends beyond just exploring popular online marketplaces.

Don’t forget YouTube. It’s not a marketplace, but it’s a search engine and a great source of up-to-the-minute intelligence. Type in “trending products” and see what pulls up.

Explore Google Trends. This is a fabulous, free tool that reveals search volume trends based on geographic locations.

Keep an eye on influencers. Bloggers and vloggers who wield influence in your community often endorse products and kick off buying frenzies. If you know what they are buzzing about, you can get ahead of the game.

Read. There are a number of different publications and blogs that specialize in predicting trends. Read these resources regularly to get in touch with marketplace trajectories.

Keep your inventory fresh by staying abreast of buying trends. And if you need more guidance about tracking the movement of the online marketplace, sign up for our annual Amazon sellers event with tips from titans in the online selling industry.