Businesses that sell products associated with the school always get a boost in the months ahead of back-to-school season. Many consumers, parents and teachers included, prepare to stock up on back-to-school needs seemingly just as quick as the previous school year ended.

Online sellers who learn from Amazon marketplace conventions and other third party seminars know that now is go-time. If you’re ready to take advantage of the back-to-school season, here are some tips to help you sell more on Amazon.


    • Internet bandwagon – To state the obvious, to sell more online… you have to be online. If you’re a brick and mortar store, it’s time to step up with the big boys and offer the opportunity for your customers to buy online.


    • Roll out promotions and discounts – Many consumers postpone their back-to-school shopping until August because that is a time when the back-to-school rush starts fading away, and they can snatch up promotions and discounts. If you roll out deals earlier than most online sellers, you may get a bigger piece of the pie.


    • Focus on mobile – While the use of desktop is still popular, an increasingly large number consumers are mobile-first. They don’t stay seated in front of their desktop for a long stretch of time, but they are attached to their mobile device almost 24/7. Focusing your product ads and promotional offers on mobile devices will expose your business to a broader audience and for longer periods of time.

The competition in online selling may feel stiffer each day, but it’s up to you to find ways to outsell the competition. Little things that will please the consumer will go a long way.